Our club news Railway news

PRMRS Club founder David Carter passes away

Sadly, David Carter our club founder and long serving Secretary has passed away on Fri 24th Jan 2025 at the age of 79.

David as many that visited the club many exhibitions over the years will know, had a lifelong passion for Railway Modelling and a flair for bringing together the teams of helpers needed to both create the layouts themselves, exhibit them around the UK & Europe and also to organise countless exhibitions of our own, in Nelsons Civic Hall and then at Park high School in Colne… he will be missed by the traders and exhibitors alike and remembered with fondness for the skills and character he brought to our hobby.

From the early days of the club when he founded it in 1964 he was the club Secretary until around 3 years ago when illness meant he had to pass on the mantle to a younger generation after a feat of almost 60 years involvement in club life.

Even then, in his care home, he was furnished with a working model railway to keep him company and another long-time member Steve Martin regularly visited and they could talk a little about the old days

He died less than 24 hours after Alice, his wife of 51 years passed away suddenly on 23rd Jan.

Funeral arrangements are yet to be finalised, but thought to be Thursday March 27th. Please contact us at the club if you wish to be kept appraised of these arrangements.

Twinning news

Twinning update 2022.

Nothing much in the offing… though we have a longer term invite to go to the Nantes show since before lockdown. This is hopefully going to be June 2023

Other than that, we do still regularly keep in contact with our French friends and visit from time to time..

Our club news

2022 Update

We haven’t posted much here for a while.. so here goes…

The club is back to being a busy place with efforts being made on 2 layouts currently…

Trawden EM is nearing the point that it will be runnable and the scenery is coming along nicely too. It is unlikely to be ready for our 2022 show…but almost certainly for 2023

Hellified OO gauge. Ecclesford has been fully stripped and will have a number of new boards made to increase its 20ft to 24 or even 28 foot long…though with much less height to all the boards. This should enable us to make a fair attempt at a modern image Hellifield Junction… and to finally have a DCC layout in the club. All interested parties welcome to come and give a hand on this exciting project… as all skills are needed.

Our club news Uncategorised

Clubroom reopens to members

Hurrah… a few of us are now back working and checking on the layouts to get them fit again for exhibitions after sitting idle for over a year. We are planning our November show and hoping that can go ahead and be a success.

Our club news

July show 2018… Burnley Masonic Hall

This last Julys exhibition was held on the hottest weekend of the year with temperatures in the mid 30’s, so attendance was lower than we had anticipated, but still encouraging enough to show that holding an exhibition in summer had enough interest to be worthwhile putting on.

We had hoped that numbers would be boosted by the publicity from the Towneley car show just 2 weeks before, but instead found that it was interest from the hardened model railway show supporters that brought in the most visitors.

We are in discussions about Pendle Forest Model railways 2019 Summer Burnley Exhibition sometime in May or June at present and once we have finalised dates and venue we will announce that here on our site

Our club news Railway news Uncategorised

New layout..Rock-n-Rail sneak preview

An unusual item of possible historical significance is ‘Rock n Rail’ a model of an early rail way based on artifacts discovered in a dig on a local allotment. Whilst the dating of the items found has yet to be determined it would seems possible that rail ways might well have been around a few millennia before the currently accepted historical dates of the early 1800’s!

Twinning news

The end of the BB67000 series

Twinning news

The end of the BB67000 series

Twinning news

The end of the BB67000 series

Twinning news

The end of the BB67000 series