Twinning news

Twinning update 2022.

Nothing much in the offing… though we have a longer term invite to go to the Nantes show since before lockdown. This is hopefully going to be June 2023

Other than that, we do still regularly keep in contact with our French friends and visit from time to time..

Our club news

2022 Update

We haven’t posted much here for a while.. so here goes…

The club is back to being a busy place with efforts being made on 2 layouts currently…

Trawden EM is nearing the point that it will be runnable and the scenery is coming along nicely too. It is unlikely to be ready for our 2022 show…but almost certainly for 2023

Hellified OO gauge. Ecclesford has been fully stripped and will have a number of new boards made to increase its 20ft to 24 or even 28 foot long…though with much less height to all the boards. This should enable us to make a fair attempt at a modern image Hellifield Junction… and to finally have a DCC layout in the club. All interested parties welcome to come and give a hand on this exciting project… as all skills are needed.