Club Members Travels

Yorkshire Model Shop Expedition

On 2nd October 2019 myself and John Dodds decided on a day out visiting model shops. This time, all over Yorkshire. To be exact, Going Loco in Outwood, Leeds Model Shop in Cross Gates, Olivia’s trains and Rails of Sheffield in, well, Sheffield!

First stop was Going Loco, which since our last visit has been extended. Overall a reasonable model shop with plenty of variety, if a little clumsily laid out. Reasonably priced too! However came away with nothing. Just around the corner from the model shop was the site of the former Lofthouse Colliery. (See separate post for that).

Back to Leeds for dinner then across to Cross Gates to Leeds Model Shop. Silly me only went and left my hat on the train there. Doh! Found the model shop and disaster – it was closed! Unfortunately the only day it was closed (other than sundays) was the day we tried to pay a visit. So trundle off back to the station to head off to Sheffield.

Arrive in Sheffield early afternoon and straight onto one of the ‘Supertrams’ up the big hill to Olivias Trains. The shop itself was nice – plenty of variety of stock – but way out of our price range unfortunately. Turns out that Olivias Trains specialise in sound fitted stock, hence the seemingly costly price. Back to the tram and back to the station.

We arrived back at the station and headed the mile and half from there to Rails of Sheffield, a first for both of us. The shop itself was fantastic, almost like a dream! Cabinets along all of the walls filled with various different stock at reasonable price and many accessories in the other part of the shop. Again no bargains to be had unfortunately but a shop we will certainly be visiting again! Anyway, back to the station, off to Nottingham with a guard that I knew before heading back to Leeds and to spoons.

Overall, a good day out!